Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!!

We had an incredibly busy holiday! Lots of fun, friends and food! It was great! We had a little New Years Eve bash, which was a lot of fun! Even Mom and Barb tried dance dance revolution! I do have pictures of that which I will definitley have to unload from my camera and post! They're far better than the words I could try to use to describe the scene! :-)

So this year my new years revolution is to save more money. I've even opened a new savings account, so there's no excuses!! I always seem to forget about my resolutions come May or June... (isin't that awful? :-)) but I really want to stick to this one. Saving money is never bad, right?

So now that things will be calming down from the holidays, I'm not really sure whats next for us! We're always busy and have some sort of project going, so I'm sure it won't be long before something new is happening!

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