Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, all! :-) In honor of the big day, I'm posting a list of things that I am thankful for...

* My son... it seems like he learns something new every single day. He never ceases to amaze me!

* My family - I know I don't say it a whole lot guys, but I LOVE YOU!

* My Husband - even though he makes me laugh when I'm really mad at him... and that makes me crazy! :-)

* My home - Its a little out of the way, but I love every little thing about it! After 3 1/2 years, it really does feel like a "home" you know? When we first moved out here, I always thought of my parents house as "home", but slowly this has become our home, and a home I love!

* My Job - first off that I have one! It seems like most everyone I know has been affected by downsizing or layoffs or pay decreases, and I (luckily!) have not! Work's actually been really busy latley! And Secondly that I really like my job. My bosses are great and so are the girls I work with.

* My Friends - I really think... scratch that... KNOW that I have some of the best ones out there!

* My Dog - Jake, you're a good boy, even though you shed endless amounts of hair on my floor and you cost me lots of money for random injuries at the vet. You're a loyal guy, and I love ya!

There's many things that I'm thankful for... too many to list here! I hope people take time out today to remember what they're thankful for!

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