Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Much Ado About Nothing....

It's been a while since I've last posted, and I feel as though I should put something up.... but..... I've got a whole lot of NOTHING!

I think of lots of things to post on here... like when I am in the shower, or driving Logan to Barb's house, or listening to some patient tell me this is the 6th time they've gotten conjunctivitis in their eye and they don't understand why, but they do wear their contact lenses for 3 weeks straight night and day......... you know, times where I really can't write down what I want to post about....

So now that I have the boy fed, changed and sleeping, and dinner has been made and enjoyed and I have time to sit down and update the blog....................

I still have nothing..........

ugh! :-)

1 comment:

Erin said...

i so hear you...i'm sitting here trying to thing of something...ANYTHING...to write about, but...i've got NOTHIN'!!!