Friday, December 19, 2008

Team Thibeault takes a hit!

It is SNOWING out there... currently, we're getting between 6 and 10 inches, then on Sunday night into Monday, we're supposed to get an even bigger storm! Now don't think of me as a Grinch... I love a white christmas... but come on... enough with the snow! I think I was meant to live someplace where snow can't exist....

So to the point and title of this post....

Last Sunday, Jen and I had a cookie baking day. We baked A LOT of stuff... gingerbread cookies, sugar cookies, oatmeal rasin cookies, butterscotch cookies, cookie dough brownies and magic bars! (I'm probably forgetting some, but you get the idea!) Andrew must have been feeling left out, because he was pulling a chef boy-are-me on us. While we made cookies, he made stromboli and soup and also alfredo sauce...

So anyway, we're all in the kitchen, then the lights go very dim... then there's a loud pop in the living room... the lights go really bright, then really dim, then the lights in the kitchen went dim and the ones in the living room were REALLY bright. We went into the living room to figure out what the pop was and came around the corner to find smoke rolling out of our entertainment center!!!!! For those that don't know, our entertainment center is HUGE and very heavy... it took 2 guys to get it in here! So andrew gets all he-man on us and rips it away from the wall (at which time 1/2 of the top part fell on to the floor and all the glass things I had on the shelves fell out and smashed all over the floor) as soon as he ripped the cord to the satelite reciever out of the wall, the smoke stopped... but the damage was done.... light bulbs started popping and both of our TV's were toast, also Logan's monitor, 3 clock radio and the electric componet of our furnace! What is it with our luck with appliances????

So that has been our excitement (and headache) for the last week... we're gearing up for Christmas and I feel like I still have a lot to do... hopefully there is time to get it all done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg! Jess that's crazy! I hope that you guys have it all sorted out!