Friday, June 24, 2011

"Just think of the positives...."

This is the advice that Andrew gave me when I was talking complaining to him about having to go back to work. Obviously this has been a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately, as I return to work in only 11 days. So here I am, trying to come up with a list of positive things...

1) I won't have to come up with an answer to the question "But why, Mommy?" I'm not exaggerating when I say that I must answer this question 100 times in a day... "But why is Luke crying?... But why do you have to fold that laundry?... But why do I have to take a nap?" (that last one is usually accompanied by foot stomping and some screaming... I guess I won't miss that part either!)

2) Feeling like I really need to keep up with the laundry/dishes/cleaning... Since I'm home all the time, I sort of feel like I have to keep up with all of the above... otherwise, I'm not really contributing much. I've already informed Drew that once I'm back to working 40 hours a week, he can kiss his freshly made bed goodbye. Chances are he's going to be getting into it the same way he got out of it that morning!

3) Adult interaction. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with the boys and all the chats that Logan and I have had... But theres only so many topics that are interesting to a 3 year old boy... Trucks, trains and poo are 3 conversations that can only go so far before you're saying all the same things over again! And why are little boys so obsessed with talking about poo anyway!?

4) Doses of "Cat In The Hat", "Sid The Science Kid" and "Curious George" are something I will only be subject to on weekends... PBS is great, but when you watch it at breakfast every day.... well, you get the picture!

5) Money... is there really any explanation needed for this one??

So I know it won't be totally horrible. I know I'll get through it and once we get settled into a routine we'll all be just fine. But yes, I still have 11 days to dread it and chances are you'll be reading about it again soon ;-)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Aww! You have made really good points about the good reasons of going back to work. I was JUST thinking about this about 5 minutes ago lol I sit here and I feel like I don't contribute much but sit in front of the TV holding LO or taking care of her one way or another. Oh and my two dogs. So I feel like cleaning the house is a MUST. I love being a SAHM but now I'm starting to wonder if going back to work would be a great thing. Great interaction and just some time to "get away" for a bit so that I don't go insane! I think it will help my sanity :) LOL