Thursday, August 18, 2011

Marriage... it's what brings us together today...

If your'e a fan of the movie "The Princess Bride" you totally get the title of this post!

5 years ago (tomorrow!) Andrew and I were married! It's crazy to think about how much has changed since then and how our lives, home and family have all grown since then! He's the greatest Husband, father and best friend I could ever ask for. 

I can remember at our wedding ceremony how my left leg (why only my left, I have no idea!) shook. Throughout the entire ceremony I could not keep my left leg from shaking.(good thing the skirt of my wedding dress was big so nobody could see!!) We had been planning the wedding for an entire year.... everything about the day was as planned as it could possibly be! Looking back I realize it wasn't nerves or being scared. It was excitement... excited about our special day that we would always remember. Excited about all the possibilities that our life together as husband and wife would bring. Excitement for the family we had talked about having together. And now 5 years, 1 home and 2 children later, I couldn't ask for more.....

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