Thursday, August 28, 2008

More baby stuff!

I saw this on one of my FAVE sites, BabyCenter, and it sort of sticks with the theme of my countdown posts, so here's "The top 10 reasons why I love Breastfeeding" by Candace Lindemann

10. I lost the baby weight immediately. Wish me luck that happens again because there’s more to lose this time!

9. I didn’t have to buy any equipment–I’m cheap like that.

8. All I had to do was hold the baby and latch–and I’m lazy like that, too. I could even sleep-feed…and I do love to get my sleep.

7. I could go anywhere. I never had to worry about packing enough formula and bottles or keeping it cool or hot. If baby and I wanted to go somewhere, we just went! Baby’s meal was always ready and always the right temperature.

6. It is natural and traditional. I like the idea that nursing my child connects me to millions of mothers throughout history.

5. It suits my free-spirited (read: disorganized) attitude. I’m not a clock person and trying to remember to prepare a bottle before baby gets hungry (read: has a nuclear meltdown) is just too much stress for me.

4. I felt more important and special and sure of my body than I ever had in my life. Not only do I have this awesome power to make food with my body, my baby and my body work together to ensure it is the right food at the right stage.

3. It is healthy. My medically vulnerable baby with a heart condition gained an astounding amount of weight (hitting the 90th percentile curve for height and weight) and never got a cold.

2. It promotes bonding. There are lots of ways to bond with baby and this was a very special one for us.

1. It made my baby so very happy. I’m not pretending I heard a choir of angels belt out Hallelujah or felt indescribably transcendent joy every time we latched (in fact sometimes I felt downright exhausted), but my baby sure looked like she did.

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