Monday, February 02, 2009

I'm terrible at keeping this thing up!

Let's face it... I am really, really, really bad at keeping up with this blog.... I can admit it. I know, I know. But let me throw this out there... being a Mom of a walking... scratch that, running toddler is EXHAUSTING. Here are some of Logan's new favorite things:

1) Playing in the toilet water.... (you try to get Andrew to shut the lid, or at least the bathroom door... impossible!)

2) Playing in Jake's water dish, and trying to pull it out of the holder (sucessfully, about 45% of the time) and dumping the whole thing all over himself and the floor.

3) Using his sucky as a shovel to rid my plants of all the soil in the pot (now all my plants are off the floor!)

4) While he's walking around with a snack, he'll "show" it to Jake, Jake will lick it, then Logan eats it. GROSS! They say dogs mouths are cleaner than humans mouths, but when's the last time you saw a human lick their own butt!?

5) He LOVES to play with the house phone. No matter where we are, he will find the phone, and then proceed to throw a huge fit when you take it away... ditto for your keys. (My mom is still looking for the keys to her car... sorry Mom!)

6) Durring aformentioned melt-downs, he figured out hitting mommy in the face gets a whole lot of reaction out of her... We're working on "nice touches"... it's getting better. slowly.

7) He's still putting EVERYTHING in his mouth... I thought kids grew out of that by now....

8) He's decided that laying down or me to change his clothes or to change his diaper is not worth his time. Then he throws the fit... refer to item 6 in my list.

9) We're back to a 10 of 5 wake up call. That's WAY earlier than I care to get up!

So yes, every day is an adventure here... but I still wouldn't trade it for the world! I love that little monkey. The smiles and giggles make it SO worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha, i'm at work and literally laughed out loud when I read this! He's growing up so quickly! I'm sure it's not easy having two kids at the house!