Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a good, old fashioned, stomp your feet kind of tantrum...

Can I just have a minute to throw a bit of a 3 year old tantrum? (trust me, I know all too well how these go down!)

I really, really, reeeeeeally wish I didn't have to go back to work. It's still 2 weeks away and I'm dreading having to leave the boys. It probably does not help that for the past 11 weeks and 5 days, Luke and I haven't left each other's side...

I know, I know. You don't have to say it... I know I need to leave him at least once for a few hours before I have to do it for an entire work day. But this is likely our last baby... (that's another post, however!) I'm never going to have this time again. I don't know if I'm ready to give up this part of my life. When I go back to work, it'll be gone forever. I feel as though we're almost frozen in time right now. I got to freeze my 'normal' life for 3 months. I got to put 100% of my focus into my 2 amazing children and the family Andrew and I have created and now I have to give it up. Monetarily, we both have to work right now so I know there's no way around it, but it just feels so unfair... Bills, mortgage... all of it is just so unfair!

okay... tantrum over.

1 comment:

Chai Town said...

I hope you're soaking up every minute of your time with those beautiful babies of yours. I felt such guilt when I went back to work... but Im starting to feel ok now. Eventually, you will too! Hugs, mama!