Monday, June 20, 2011

2 years, really??

It's been about 2 years since I've blogged. Recently, a few of my friends and some fellow March Mommy's have started blogging and inspired me to start again... so here I am.

So where to start... Let's go with since 2009.......

We went camping for the whole fourth of July week with Jen and Kyle in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. It was HOT.... near 100 degrees every day. We had such a wonderful time and it was a great last hurrah for Jen and Kyle, because.....

This gorgeous little girl made her debut!!! Carly Ann Delabruere was born 8/3/10 about 3 weeks early. She only got more and more beautiful as time went on... here she is now.

Also in the summer of 2010, Andrew and I found out that we would be adding to our little family as well! Logan was so excited to become a big brother. He nicknamed the baby "Baby Popcorn" and for weeks after he was actually born, we still continued to call him that!

Summer faded into fall and then to winter... We enjoyed holidays with our family as my belly grew larger and appointments with our midwife grew closer together. "Baby Popcorn" was due to arrive 4/3/11. My last appointment was 3/30/11. I was 39 weeks and 3 days, and it was also Andrew's birthday. The one thing Andrew had said all along was that he hoped the baby was not born on his birthday was because he wanted him to have his own, special day... So at this appointment, I had my membranes swept (don't worry... it sounds much more painful and gross than it actually was!) and I was on my way. We had dinner at my parents home and went home and put Logan to bed.... I woke up at 11:52. The red alarm clock numbers are for some reason, something I will always remember. I never went into labor with Logan... I had to be induced so I really didn't know how it felt to start contracting on my own. Anyway, I ran to the bathroom... clearly, I was thinking these were a different kind of cramp ;-) Nothing happened. I went back to bed... about 20 minutes later, it started happening again. That's when I first thought this might be it... I started writing down and timing contractions at this point... and about an hour and a half later I woke Andrew up to tell him that I was in labor... he went from half asleep to jumping out of bed with his eyes as wide as quarters all within about 3 seconds! We timed them for a few more contractions and then called Andrew's mom to come stay with Logan. This was definitely it. We drove to the hospital, got lost in the halls on the way up to Maternity and Luke Donald Thibeault made a fast and furious entrance to the world all within ONE hour.

The last 11 weeks have been a blur of diapers, nursing and intermittent sleeping. Everyone has adjusted pretty well. Logan just adores being Luke's big brother. He proudly proclaims to anyone who asks "Luke is MY baby"

So that brings us to now... I have 2 weeks left before I return to work... It's bittersweet... maybe a little more bitter than sweet, I mean, how can you resist these faces???


Chai Town said...

Im glad you decided to blog again! I love following other mommies... especially ones that have kids close to my kid's age! Looking forward to getting to know your clan through your writing!

Nicole said...

Glad your blogging again! Your boys are sooo handsome!!!