Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Christmas really isin't that far away you know....

If you know me at all, you know I'm a planner. I need to know all the "W's" - Who, What, Where, When and Why.... If I don't know all these things before an event happens, I'm completley lost. Some may say it's OCD (Andrew!) I say it's a healthy need to know ;)

But I have to say that tonight, I may have taken it a touch too far (nobody can ever tell Andrew I admitted that!) Tonight, I started making out my christmas lists!! Just what I've bought for whom so that I can keep things even and track my spending. In my own defense, Christmas is really not that far away. Less than 3 months now, as a matter of fact. Andrew, however, found this to be an outlandish and completley un-necessary thing to do in the middle of October. True, I am early, but on the same token, I will probably be done with my shopping before December gets here... then who'll be laughing at who???

1 comment:

crystalgrant84 said...

Tell Andrew I call that, "being smart!" Good for you getting a head start, you kind of have to or else it's here all of a sudden and there's just not enough time!