Friday, September 11, 2009

All Summer Long...

Another summer long blogging hiatus! With so much going on, I've not really had a lot of time to myself to sit down and actually blog. With Logan in bed early tonight, and the hubby completley absorbed in sports center, here I am! :)

Here's a quick run down of the summer. Rain. And a lot of it. Most of June and July was rain, rain, rain. We still did get a week-long camping trip to Old Orchard Beach, Maine in. We had a few good weather days where we got to enjoy the beach, but of course, there was rain involved too... Still, we made the best of it. Logan wasn't scared of the ocean AT ALL... a little too dare-devilish for Mommy's liking. He really liked jumping directly into the waves. Here's a few pics of the cutest kid on earth, enjoying his first trip to the ocean!

Logan has really started making the transition to a full blown toddler (knock down, drag out tantrums included at no extra charge!) He's talking more and more, and has re-named both sets of Grandparents to boot. Andrew's Mom and Dad are now "Mimi" and "Bampy" and my parents are now "Mema" and "Bepa". It seems as if he comes out with a few new words each day. As of recently, he loves to dance and will show off his moves whenever he can get you to watch. It's pretty much the cutest thing you've ever seen!! (so what if my opinion is biased!?)

In October, we're headed back to Maine to do the Fryeburg Fair with my parents. It's a Thurs-Sun and we camp at the fair. It's a really nice long weekend. One of those places where everything is exactly the same every time you go, and that's the best part :) Between shopping and a LOT of fair food, I'm really looking forward to camping and spending some time as a family!

1 comment:

Mema said...

Mema can't wait to go to the Fryeburg fair. Maybe I will try to get Logan hooked on Horse racing or bingo! Logan will be so much fun! What do you think Jes?