Sunday, April 05, 2009

I took this survey on facebook in my Circle Of Mom's app, and I thought it'd be fun to post it here, too!

1. How old were you when your first child was born?24

2. What month and year was your youngest child born?January, 2008

3. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?EXCITED!!! We were trying to get pregnant for a little while, so when it happened we were very happy

4. Who did you tell first?Andrew, then my sister right after

5. How many pounds did you gain during your first pregnancy?48.... bad, I know!

6. What did you crave while you were pregnant?Salty stuff. Mostly melted cheese and chips!

7. Did you find out the gender of your first child? Why or why not?Yes. Andrew was gung-ho about finding out from the very beginning. I took some convincing. It definitley made it much easier to buy baby stuff. The next time around though, I don't think that I want to know. We already have all the essential stuff. And I think it's one of lifes few really great suprises....

8. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?nope. Completley textbook until the end when an induction didn't work!

9. How much did your first child weigh?8lbs 11oz

10. Was your first child early, late, or on time?2 weeks late

11. What is the most difficult challenge or health issue that any of your children have faced?He recently had Bronchiolitis (as opposed to Bronchitis) and we had to treat him with a nebulizer, which he absolutley HATED. He screamed the entire time we had to do a treatment. It was terrible!

12. What's your favorite part of being a mom?Watching him learn something new. And also kisses. They're very wet, but they're so sweet :-)

13. Do you think it's easier to be a mom or a dad?Dad. It's hard to explain. As a Mom, you've got 9 months on Dad as far as knowing the baby goes, so the baby always wants Mom. She gets far fewer breaks than the dad does!

14. What is the best piece of advice you could give to someone who is about to have their first child?Sleep! Your democracy is about to become a dictatorship, so enjoy your last few moments of freedom while you have them! :-)

15. Did you always think you'd have kids?Without question.

16. What's been the biggest surprise about motherhood?I was so afraid that I wouldn't know what he wanted when he was crying or how to make him stop... It's weird, because as soon as that baby is born, you just kinda know!!

17. Are there things you miss about life before kids?the ability toleave the house in 10 minutes... now you have to make sure you have snacks and juice and extra clothes and diapers and you have to know how long you're going to be gone so you can pack all of the above accordingly!

18. How many children do you have?1

19. Do you plan to have any more children?probably one more

20. Who's the mom that you admire most?Tie between my Mom and Barb!

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