Saturday, March 21, 2009

The things we carry

I know I haven't written a blog in a while... a long while! I guess I've been in a bit of a rut, and this morning, while I was packing Logan's diaper bag for a small road trip that we're taking tomorrow, an idea struck me, and here I am.

Since it's been a while since I'd actually completely emptied aforementioned bag, I thought, hey, why not... I've actually got time and lord knows what I'll find. So, in no particular order, here's what I found....

1) An empty tupperware... clean. I'm pretty sure I left it at moms and she threw it in before I left... nice and washed of course! Thanks, Mom!

2) A small container of goldfish.

3) A small container of veggies straws.

4) A toy cell phone.

5) 1/2 a Hannaford's Fresh magazine. I think I gave it to him to rip up while we were grocery shopping to keep him entertained... hey, you do what you have to do!

6) A blue plastic dinosaur.

7) 3 pairs of socks.

8) a spare sucky.

9) Baby Tylenol.

10) A lot of crumpled up Kleenex. I'm hoping it's new, and not used.... either way, I threw it out!

11) 2 Onesies. (both too small now)

12) 1 pair of pants. (also too small)

13) swim trunks. (clearly WAY too small... those were left over from last summer!)

14) A bib.

15) 2 spoons and 1 fork.

16) 4 daytime diapers and 1 night diaper.

17) Wipes case, almost empty.

18) Burt's bees cream.

19) A "tool" keyring, that makes various noises.

20) 3 Matchbox cars.

21) 4 Lego Duplo blocks.

22) A lot of snack shrapnel (stray goldfish, teddy grahams etc...)

23) an envelope of grocery coupons.

24) 5 bucks!!!!!!!!!!! yesssss!

25) an envelope with some of his first hair cut in it

26) 2 pens

27) 1 juice cup (also washed, thanks, Mom!)

So after surveying all these contents, it got me to thinking... Do all Mom's carry around this much stuff? Am I just a diaper bag pack rat? It's funny, because there are some aspects of my life where neatness, planning and order reign. My desk at work. Logan's schedule. Planning Jen's bridal shower... And then there are some things, like this diaper bag that looks to be completely out of control! I guess it just makes me normal. Not everyone can be neat and perfect all the time. And you know, I wouldn't have this bag any other way!

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