Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Terrible two's??? Try terrible three's!

Whoever decided that a childs two year old year should be nicknamed "the terrible two's" clearly has never lived with a 3 year old.....

My sweet little baby Logan has turned into Mr. Independent pre-schooler Logan who knows everything and can do everything "BY MYSELF!!!" I love that he's independent and wants to learn to do things for himself; but when we have only a certian amount of time to get out of the house in the morning and he insists on "tying" (read: trying to tie, not suceeding and throwing a tantrum as a result) his shoes, a Mom has to draw the line somewhere!!!!

I know they say to choose your battles and to not fight over the small stuff (I think this also comes from someone who has never lived with a 3 year old, but I digress...) We try to redirect and distract, we try to ignore bad behavior and praise the good and rewards - some of which works sometimes and not others (of course!)  We have been muddling through, and I'm hopingthat the day he turns 4 all of this craziness and chaos that our house can sometimes be will vanish (hey, a Mommy can dream, right?)

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