Saturday, July 09, 2011

Is the 3rd time the charm?

Everyone seems to be asking me the same question lately... "Will you guys try again for a girl?"

Right after Luke was born, I could answer this question without any hesitation. It was a resounding "NO!" I couldn't imagine my life with 3 boys (well 4 if you count Andrew! haha!) Don't get me wrong; I love my boys with every ounce of my being. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for them. I look forward to watching them grow and change and become handsome, smart, responsible young men. However, the thought of nurturing 3 boys to adulthood seems a bit daunting!

But what if we did have another baby?

I wonder about my "Phantom Girl".... Logan's already a little motor head and I have a feeling no matter how many horse shows I drag Luke to, he's going to want in on what Logan and Daddy are doing....

I can remember as a little girl showing many horses... Buster, Cutie, Profit, Putt-Putt (great name, huh? :-P) And winning blue ribbons. Even though my Mom was there watching the whole class I couldn't wait to get out of that ring to show her what I'd won! I was so proud. Horse shows are some of my very favorite memories from my childhood and I won't get to share them with my "Phantom Girl".

"Phantom Girl" and I won't get to go shopping together. We won't get to chat about boys or school or what she wants to be when she grows up.  I'll never know if she would have looked like me or had my laugh.

But on the flip side I won't have to worry about giving "the talk" (haha Drew! You have to do it twice!) I won't have to wash 4 different outfits per day that aren't even really dirty because she didn't like what she had on. I won't have to worry about the cattiness that always happens between teenaged girls or banging the bathroom door down after she's been showering for an entire hour.

But which side is worse? I'm not really sure...........


Anonymous said...

I had 2 girls under 2. I was really saddened that several people responded to the news of our second with "Oh, I'm sorry." What kind of response is that?? I will say that it is really daunting to me to help them develop a solid self-esteem to help them navigate through the tween and teen years. As far as which one is worse, I think they both present separate and unique challenges. We won't know what it's like to have a boy since we're done having kids, but I can relate! Nice post! (peahug)

Nicole said...

DH wants a second child..but the thought of having 2 girls. Lol I think both sides have lots of positives and negatives. But whats best for your family is ultimately up to you and your DH. I think if you guys can handle 3 then go for it!! DH wants another one ASAP because he would like them to not be too far apart in age. That's what he WOULD like. I told him my body can't handle that. Give me at least two years :) I think your boys age differences are perfect!

And about a 3rd child, what if you guys did have another girl and the 3rd time was a charm!

My family doesn't agree with me having a second child. They are really negative about it. They tell me, "So you learned your lesson and you don't want another one huh?". Wow! I mean its not like I'm 16 and pregnant geezus! Lol Well plus, its not like I rely on them anyway.

Nicole said...

I mean't to say what if you guys did have another one and its a girl**

Jennifer said...

Jess I got the comment "Now you will have one of each so you are done" I would always respond we were done whether it was a girl or a boy.
Your boys are going to be close like you and your sister. I wish I had that sometimes, a best friend that was always there. You guys I am sure had a few spats but look at you both now.
I plan on trying my hardest to get Greyson out there on the horses. Look at Kathy with her 3 boys, two of them grew up to work in the horse business. Maybe there is hope!